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The Lux Foundation is dedicated to making a positive social impact in Wisconsin, primarily in Milwaukee and Green Bay and state-wide, the Upper Midwest, and throughout the state of Wyoming through funding programs in education, social justice, environmental conservation, and the arts.


Eligibility Criteria


  • Applicants must be registered as a nonprofit organization or have a fiscal sponsor with a nonprofit status. 

  • Organizations must adhere to all applicable laws and regulations and demonstrate ethical practices in their operations.

  • Applicants should have sound financial management practices, including regular audits if required, and transparent reporting. 

  • Projects and organizations should align with the Lux Foundation's values of integrity, inclusivity, environmental conservation, and social impact.


Funding Priorities


Across its four funding categories, the Lux Foundation

gives special consideration to organizations or programs

that demonstrate innovative approaches and that can

achieve meaningful, long-lasting impact for the people

and communities they serve or the lands, waterways, or

wildlife they protect. While the foundation does consider

social justice programs as its own category,  the

empowerment of marginalized populations within

other categories is always appreciated. This includes

organizations that promote equity and address systemic

barriers to access and opportunity. Programs or

organizations that represent two or more of grant

categories will also receive additional



Types of Support 


The Lux Foundation provides both Program Grants to support specific projects, programs, or initiatives, and General Operating Grants to provide unrestricted funding to support an organization's ongoing operations and infrastructure. 


Except for special circumstances, the Lux Foundation will not provide funding for the following:


  • Organizations and projects that primarily serve communities outside of the funding target areas

  • Grants to individuals

  • Loans or endowments

  • Capital campaigns

  • Event sponsorships


Application Process 


The Lux Foundation does not accept unsolicited proposals; however, organizations that fit Lux Foundation criteria for funding can submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) Form that serves as a short introduction to your organization. Our board reviews LOI forms year-round. To access LOI forms and to read more about our LOI and Application process -


Reporting and Evaluation


Grant recipients are expected to provide a progress report and financial statements as outlined in the grant agreement. If an organization is invited to reapply for an additional year of funding, the report form is part of the reapplication proposal. If funding was for a specific, one-time grant, a report form will be sent to you close to the end of the grant period.


Non-Discrimination Policy


The Lux Foundation adheres to a strict non-discrimination policy and does not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ability, or any other protected characteristic.

Friends of Parkways
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